
Leadership Workshops

Leverage Leadership Workshops 2024-2025

Leverage Leadership Institute WorkshopRegister your team to learn the fundamentals of strong instructional systems based on the work of Paul Bambrick-Santoyo in his books, Leverage Leadership and Get Better Faster. These sessions – Observation and Feedback, Weekly Data Meetings, Leading Planning Meetings, and Leading an Equity-Centered Culture –  are ideal for anyone who coaches at least one teacher or who will be preparing to coach in the coming year.

These one-day trainings are delivered by fellows of the Leverage Leadership Institute, a select group of public school leaders with a proven track record of results.

Price: $550 per person (virtual) or $750 per person (in-person).

If you are interested in bringing an LLI workshop direct to your leaders or school, click here.    

Session Descriptions

Leading Equity-Centered Culture
You can tell a lot about student culture just by how a school feels, and the best schools are intentional about creating this culture. Strong school and student culture ensures students are building the habits of mind and heart that enable instruction and love of learning to happen. In this session, you will learn how to create a vision for an equity-centered student culture and then actualize it with minute-by- minute plans and teacher practice. Finally, you'll learn how to implement systems that enable you to monitor and maintain your student culture.

Leading Planning Meetings

The work of leading planning meetings with our teachers is critical to deepening content knowledge and ensuring great first instruction. One of the challenges to leading effective planning meetings is targeting the area of productive struggle in the lesson plan and building a strong model that demonstrates for teachers how to build intellectual engagement through rigorous content. Join us in this session if you are eager to refine your skill in identifying the area of productive struggle and planning forward for an upcoming planning meeting that you are leading.

Leading Weekly Data Meetings

Immediate analysis leads to deeper analysis. Leaders can help their teachers guide students to get better faster through standards alignment and weekly data analysis of student work.  In this session, you will learn how to maximize the use of student academic data in your school through implementation of Weekly Data Meetings and planning for strong reteach lessons.

Observation and Feedback 

Exceptional school leaders succeed because of how they use their time, what they do, and how and when they do it. Observation and Feedback will emphasize this principle and demonstrate the most effective ways to coach every teacher to improve student learning on a frequent basis. You will learn the four keys to effective observation and feedback, including locking in frequent and regular observations, identifying the one or two most important areas for growth, giving direct face-to-face feedback that practices specific action steps for improvement, and creating systems to ensure feedback translates to practice.  In addition, you will have opportunities to practice skills you learn by participating in two simulations and ongoing video reviews for self-reflection.


United States—Georgia